Premier League clubs urged to return due to emergency Covid measures and its official Statements is news of the day. Read out the complete details down below with us!
Premier League clubs urged to return due to emergency Covid measures | Official Statements
Recently, it has been reported that the Premier League clubs were urged to return due to emergency Covid measures. No doubt covid-19 is not ended yet. Its influence still exists and people are being affected by it. Therefore, it is true that the covid-19 is directly placing its impacts on the mass gatherings such as these sporting events. Now let us see where the situation leads us to.
“We have got a couple of knocks and have got a couple of Covid-related issues that we are waiting on results for this morning,” he told his pre-match press conference on Friday.
“I can’t really let you in on any names, but there’s a couple of players whom we are worried about, so we have tested and we will wait for the PCR results back on them.
“(They are) just feeling a little bit unwell, not likely to be linked to the game last week with Tottenham. It is just in general, I think (like) with the whole nation, (we are) holding our breath at the moment.”
“We have been told and warned that things are changing all the time,” Gerrard said. “Just to be careful and look after ourselves.”
“It’s a concern for myself and every other manager,” he said. “There was a situation here before I came and you’ve always got that lingering paranoia abuts the what-ifs.
“It is a virus that has not gone. We’re not through the woods and it’s changing all the time.”